1st Post Ever

July 29, 2013

I've been blogging ever since Friendster came out, and I've kept my love for blogging when I had my multiply account. But sadly, since both of those social networking sites are now not like the 'normal' social networking site. I started blogging using tumblr, but sadly I wasn't receiving as much readers as I have hoped. So, I am honestly saying... I am giving BLOGSPOT/BLOGGER a try and hopefully it won't fail me.

Let me just blurt out what I plan to post in this humble blog of mine...
  • BEAUTY TIPS- my friends keep on complimenting me about how good my skin looks but nobody bothered to ask what I do to make it that way... (hahaha!) Until recently, my best friend finally broke the barrier and started asking me, so I told her. To my amusement, she pulled out her notebook and started jotting down what I was telling her and she exclaimed that my tips were "GOLDEN". So she persuaded me to set up a blog that would share to others (who are interested) what I use and what I do to take care of my skin. Since the products I use are really affordable and (really) worth the cost.
  • FASHION- I really classify myself as a shopper, but more of a THRIFTY SHOPPER. I love online shopping and going to tiangge(s). It is because I truly believe that YOU DON'T NEED TO SPEND MUCH TO LOOK AMAZING!
  • MUSIC- I love music and I sing too! I plan to share amazing music with meaningful lyrics and awesome melodies. And I might even give a personal reflection on the song that I'll be blogging about.
  • LIFE- I AM A REAL PERSON WITH REAL FEELINGS. So I also would like to share this to all my readers to make them feel that they are not alone in their some of their experiences.
So there, I hope you would follow my blog!

Good day and God Bless!

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