BWPhotoChallenge: Day 1

November 17, 2014

I have accepted the #BWPhotoChallenge. I was nominated by my blogger friend, Louise. You can visit her blog through this link: THE LEGENDARY UKAYISTA

For 5 consecutive days, I'll be posting 5 B&W photos which I took myself and at the same time nominate one of my friends to do the challenge too! This is normally done on Facebook and Instagram but like Louise, I shall blog about each photo that I will post... So that you, dear reader may know what is so special about the photo.

Let me start...

I've been wearing prescription lenses since 1st year of college and honestly, when I got to realize that I truly needed them... I broke down and cried because I knew that my eyesight was going bad from then on. But I also realized that things could get worse for me in this department... I could go blind, literally! And so now... I am visually impaired and this could be corrected by these babies.

Since then, I've been changing my eyeglasses once in every year and a half because that's just how fast my eyesight was going bad. But believe it or not, I am thankful. Thankful that I was born in this day and age where corrective lenses were already invented and LASIK is available. 

I may give contact lenses a try soon because J suggested that I should. It's because he thinks that having contact lenses on is less of a hassle than wearing eyeglasses. Hmmmkay.

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