The Legacy You Leave

October 16, 2014

Other than singing during Sunday worship services, singing at Wake Services is another ministry that the CCF Choir is involved in. I have been part of the Monday Wake team for quite some time now and I have to admit that although the songs we sing are always the same, the experience that come about each wake service I've been to is different. Perhaps, this week's wake service was the most special of all. So yes, I decided to blog about it.

The memorial service was held in Brookside Village, Cainta at a home of a Christian who helped establish a ministry for elderly folks called Shepherd's Staff. The choir first sang "He Knows My Name" and "Power of Your Love" and then Pastor Bert started to speak. Since he was speaking in the memorial service of his close friend since 1969, he really took his time to tell stories about the person who passed away.

It was during his talk that I learned about Mr. Ike's life, he was a man of God who was so on fire for the Lord that he wanted others to know about Him too. I listened to the stories each person that were close to him told. The things Mr. Ike did to share about God's love was astonishing. His friends said that he used to order thousands of copies of the CCF Chronicle, just so that he can pay the newspaper boys to insert the Chronicles into the pages of the papers they deliver to the people in the village he lives in. He also gave the employees of the bank he goes to. His friends said the reason why he did this was that he wasn't a good speaker, he couldn't express himself like our pastors. But this fact did not hinder him from sharing the Good News to the people he met.

Listening to their stories about the man who is now in Heaven with God, made me think... When I die... what will my friends and family tell about me? Would I have had a great impact on some of the lives of the people around me on how REAL God is? Will my life be a perfect example on how Jesus saves the sinners, gives life to the dead, and uses the broken vessels for His glory? This made me wonder and actually spurred a challenge on my part. I wanted my life to mean something even if the Bible said in James 4:14 NASB:
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
My life is just a vapor in relation to God's eternity. I want to share about Jesus to those who don't know him yet. I want to be a living proof that having a relationship with Jesus is the best decision that a person will ever make.  I want to overcome my own shortcomings and still be a part of God's plan: that He will be known in all corners of the world.

In the end, even though I was there to serve the Lord through singing, the things that were said about Mr. Ike by his family and friends blessed me more than I've hope for.

You see being able to sing in these wake services, you can witness how much a death of a loved one can come about the people currently living think about their own situation after their own death. I don't mean to be morbid, but let's face it... no matter how rich or poor, how young or old, how healthy or sick... all of us will die sooner or later. So why waste your life in things that would not help you or the people in your circle of influence? Do something meaningful. Let Mr. Ike's life and those who have passed who are just like him be an example. Do not let your shortcomings hinder you from sharing about Jesus to the people. Be the same person in Church and whenever you are with your friends and family. Challenge yourself. Make your life matter... not in the sight of the world but in God's eyes.

Photos taken by Kuya George Villa Jr.

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