Attitude Adjustment
April 17, 2015I think I'm not the only person in the world who gets frustrated whenever plans don't go as expected... But I think from my experience today, I may have to change my initial reaction to those kinds of circumstances because of two reasons: One, the reason for the plan's failure is because of outside influences (not in my circle of control) and two, although plans may not happen as the way you expect it to... you may never know the possibilities in which a day could still end up as awesome as planned.
Let me share to you what happened:
J asked me out on a date the day before and I said yes. We were planning to go to a place where I said I've always wanted to check out. But as I was preparing for our date, J called and told he wouldn't be able to bring his car. Since mine was out for the day too (because of the number coding scheme in Metro Manila), we had no choice but to cancel our plans to go out. And in true Hazel form, I began to rant and ignore J's texts and calls. The fact that it was super hot in the house didn't help with the frustration I was feeling!
J called around lunch time and asked me out again, and just to go and hang out in the mall near our place. I agreed and commuted as soon as I said my goodbyes to my Uncle, Aunt and cousins who just arrived from Baguio. I arrived at the mall and J met up with me at a store where I was checking out notebooks for my Quiet Time. He saw me and immediately chuckled as he held me close while walking to a place where we would have our lunch.
"Look where you are now! You are out and on a proper date with me! I told you that I can turn your 'No' into a 'Yes'. I just have to be patient. Keep my cool."
I laughed at him as he held my hand tighter and made our way to Taco Bell.
We ate, laughed and talked. This part was easy for us, communicating. I, being the extreme extrovert that I am and him, although an introvert but an introvert that has allowed me in this bubble had no long pauses (except when taking a bite) and no awkward silences.
After lunch, we proceeded to the department store to check out random stuff. I nagged about how expensive, in my opinion were the clothes in display and how I could buy so much more clothes in Divisoria with the same amount of money I spend in the mall to buy one article of clothing. Then I dragged him to the make-up section and started looking for new lip colors. Knowing his short patience for the girly things, I made him choose a lipstick that he thinks looks good on me and I bought it for myself. While walking around, we would tease each other and tell corny jokes... I think it came to a point where people were staring... but we didn't care.
After this we went to Timezone and played the classic arcade games, sang a bit of Karaoke and played for a good 30 minutes of Just Dance. Yes. Just Dance in public!
We were laughing loudly as we danced because I always chose the songs with girly dance moves. And being the good sport that he is, he would do the dances perfectly and without shame. I once glanced at the people around and they were staring and laughing with us too.
Off to a milk tea place after we got tired of dancing and we decided to head home since I had my cousins over at my home and we had a family dinner planned.
We went home and bonded with my cousins, Uncles and Aunt over Chinese food and nostalgic stories.
As I look back at the things that happened today... I realized that it doesn't really matter where we would go on those dates, the important thing is that J and I are together and enjoying each other's company.
Plus, the fact that at the end of our supposed 'date day', we got to spend it with my family is the best thing I could ever imagine happening.
So, I shouldn't go crazy when things don't go as planned. God has something better in store for me for the day and I think... my plans being overridden by the Creator of the Universe is a good enough reason to chill.