My Reflection: Blessed Be Your Name

August 20, 2013

I've been singing this song for the past month already. Every line of that song, I know by heart. But it was only recently that I've realized the meaning of this song in my life. So, this blog entry is a way for me to share with you, dear reader (if you even exist) what this song [for me] is all about.

The verses of this wonderful song, tells the situations in a person’s life: who believes in God and has a relationship with Jesus Christ.

From the song:
  •  In a land that is plentiful, where the streams of abundance grow– This is those moments of prosperity.
  • Found in a desert place – Moments of dryness, a feeling of going nowhere in one’s life/situation.
  • Walking through the wilderness- times of uncertainty. The feeling lost though life.
  • Sun’s shining down, When the world’s all as it should be- Where every aspect of your life is in its perfect place (so far)

You can tell from the verses, that it pretty much summarizes our life in this world, where there is a mix of chaos and serenity, of blessings and deficiency, of sunny and rainy days. But it says on all of these instances, we should always BLESS THE NAME OF THE LORD.

Let us now concentrate on the Chorus:

This pretty much summarizes what we should do through whatever comes our way... through the blessings and the darkest times. We should always, ALWAYS praise GOD for He is GOD. He is good no matter what problems, calamities or even disasters that we may face. He has His purpose even if it is not convenient and comfortable for us. 

I love the fact that the song said, WHEN the darkness closes in, and not IF because this really gives the reality that there will be dark days in our lives, when we think that nothing is right, and that God may not even care for our well-being, or hear our prayers. But the fact is, He is listening! He cares! and He is there with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! So bless His name through the good times and most especially the bad ones.

Then lastly, the bridge:

"You give and take away, my heart will choose to say Lord, blessed be Your name!"

This reminds me of Job, as God has allowed everything in his life to be taken away, but still, he praised God's name. We should always be like Job, remember to be like him. Because, at the end of the day, the things we have in our lives right now... the riches, the relationships, the experiences and even our lives are all from the God who loves us so much. More than we will ever know.

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