Deleted Twitter

August 03, 2014

Earlier this week I decided to delete my Twitter account completely. This decision was due to the fact that I never am really online long enough to actually make conversations with my friends/followers. And if I had to talk to certain people online, I really thought that broadcasting our conversation to our common followers was totally out of the question.
I am trying to go back to actual live conversations where you can touch the other person's shoulder or having private conversations online and through sms where other people can't know your business too.
Plus, I really don't want to see my old tweets from years ago... As Mr. Griffith told Olive Penderghast in the movie Easy A---  "I don't know what your generation's fascination is with documenting your every thought... but I can assure you, they're not all diamonds. "
So yah. I think I'm gonna keep my thoughts to myself starting now... but if I think it is worth sharing... you'd probably read it on Facebook or even here :)

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