We wanted to see each other last Saturday, but we had limited funds. I told him that I don't really care what we do, it's his company I want. We planned on a Friday afternoon what we could do together but at the same time spend little or no money at all... I suggested we go to the city park and check out the monument of a dead president, since he hasn't been there and I've only gone a couple of times. So, we agreed.
We met that Friday evening at the mall to get my new phone with Mom. We ate dinner and immediately went home. Mom asked what were our plans the next day and I answered what we have agreed upon. Then she suggested "Why don't you go to the National Museum?", I looked and smiled at him and in turn he smiled back. "Have you ever been in the National Museum?" and he answered "No.". So, that was it... change of plans... We are going to the National Museum!